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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Economic Indicators by Report Date and Reporting Body

Economic Indicators by Report Date and Reporting Body: "Economic indicators are those important, mysterious numbers that get reported almost every day, but are somehow not put into context very often. Here are some of the most useful ones, listed twice: first by their reporting date in a typical month, and second by their reporting organization."

I - Indicators by Approximate Monthly Reporting Date

Links are to external sites; also see the second list, below, for glossary links to additional information about the indicators themselves.


FOMC Meeting
(every 6 weeks)
Unemployment Rate

Consumer Sentiment Index Retail Sales PPI

Balance of Trade Manufacturers' Orders
New Home Sales Consumer Confidence Index

Quarterly GDP

II - Indicators by Reporting Body

Department of Commerce
Bureau of Economic Analysis Gross Domestic Product
Balance of Trade
Bureau of the Census Manufacturers' Orders
Retail Sales
New Home Sales
Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment Rate
Producer Price Index
Consumer Price Index
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index
University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index

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