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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Regulatory Uncertainty Did Not Cause Recession

It's *Not* Regulatory and Tax Uncertainty.
If it were fear of Obama and Democratic policies, then the midterm elections would have seen economic boom because Democrats cannot do anything major anymore.
The recession would not have gone so far before Obama and the Democrats were elected.  
Business investment has already recovered more rapidly than it did in several past recessions.  Only housing investment remains depressed and it is difficult to understand why home buyers would be so worried about housing regulations when that is mostly regulated by state and local governments which vary widely in ideology and substance.

Mishel at the Economic Policy Institute has more:
Over at the American Enterprise Institute blog, James Pethokoukis responds to my recent paper, Regulatory uncertainty: A phony explanation for our jobs problem, and blog post. I presented evidence that trends in investment, private-sector job growth, unemployment, and work hours were not inferior in this recovery compared to other recent job-challenged recoveries. That is, I noted that this recovery fares well relative to the recoveries under George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush. If you look at what employers are doing rather than what trade associations are saying, you would see that uncertainty about regulations and taxation has not impeded job growth. What we are seeing is what you expect given the slow growth in GDP.
What was especially curious to me is that Pethokoukis has no counter-argument

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