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Monday, August 10, 2009

Grasping Reality with Both Hands

Grasping Reality with Both Hands: "Why Aren't We Undergoing Another Great Depression?

Paul Krugman: "The answer, basically, is Big Government...."

The loose end in Krugman's article is why there weren't more Great Depressions back in the old days, before big government. The answers, I think, are two:

  1. Business cycles are a disease of the post-agricultural economy--of the nonfarm economy. If you look back at the nonfarm unemployment rate before 1930, things look not as bad as the Great Depression but still pretty bad.

  2. Most countries had a form of "big government"--a military large in size relative to its nonfarm economy and an activist, interventionist central bank--reaching far back into the past.

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